An Interview with myself
First of all, let me welcome myself to the world of blogging. The phenomenon has caught up with people of all ages and I couldn't keep myself behind. So lets begin with a small "Interview with Myself" and find out the reasons behind my blogging:-
So, why should I blog?
Blogging they say is all about reaching a wider audience, people whom you didn't even know existed but thought about things that you do. Share experiences similar to those of yours. Have opinions about ideas you explore and have solutions to the problems you face. Well, I subscribe to that and wanted to experience it first-hand.
Since I want to write, I believe I am required to explore, dig-out information for the problems I present to others. It makes me work more and go that extra mile to compile useful information.
As I wish to blog for quite sometime, I would definitely be able to experience and chart the change in my thought process ( expectedly towards maturity ;-))
My blog gives me the platform to put forth my thoughts, question, opinions and seek comments, answers and rectifications from people.
So all in all, its definitely a great tool to interact with the world and hence here I am!!!
What do I want to write about?
It will take some time before I zero-in on my niche. For the time-being its nothing in particular and everything in general. If however, the name of the blog doesn't seem general, tell me doesn't talking about politics,sports,society, problems, ideas, economics, life etc. involve people and the world?
What led me to this?
Wouldn't that be very obvious - My desire and will to write and commmunicate. Well that ain't that simple. For anything to happen there needs to be some inspiration, and a good amount of encouragement. Luckily both of them were readily available. Those who know me keep telling me that I am good at communication. My blog is going to be the test-bed for the same. Also, I have had numerous discussions with my friend, colleague and room-mate Rahul Gaitonde. Rahul is himself an accomplished blogger(thats the inspiration) and he had been pressing me to start my own(thats the encouragement). So here it is Rahul. Thanks to you and Thanks to all my friends who have and will always support me and love me for being the person I am.