First time in the driver's seat !!!
Dear reader,
Welcome to my blog !! If you were wondering where the heck was I for these many days !! Well, just take it for now that I had an "intellectual slumber" .. Now what does that mean? I dunno, just that it looks a very "heavy" word and hence is good enough inspiration for me to put it here :-)
So, which driver seat am I talking about? Simply and "literally" the driver's seat that hardly even qualifies to be an "experience" in our daily lives ... except .. when we learn!!!
Precisely, what I experienced today. Thanks to my colleague Shradha I got to lay my hands on the steering wheel first time in my life (Not that I've never touched the steering wheel but this time the car was moving and thats a first) . So what's unique about this experience? A lot many on the driving front coz this is the first time I ever pressed the clutch or the accelerator or even changed the gears, but isn't that what you all went through or will go through while learning to drive? So here's my different and unique version of the "first experience" ;-)
For starters, this is the first time in my life I have successfully battled the "noon-nap"( the drowsy feelin after lunch when u just wish ur chair were a bed) by driving a car !! Well, isn't that something new? Normally in a sedentry job we fight the "noon nap" syndrome by listening to songs, chatting, talking or going for a small walk, but driving a car was nothing I could have ever imagined would ever be a weapon against my arch-rival sleep.
Then again, let me tell u that I am really very fussy bout sweating. I know no one likes to sweat, but it really puts me off! A very common experience for poor Mumbaikars! They invariably start their day with a bucketful of sweat with clothes huggin their torso when they get off the trains huffing and panting out-of-breath. (This may give you a hint why Mumbaikars don't always indulge in exercising. They are blessed with free massage, weight lifting, anti-tug of war( they push) and the likes of various other exercising methods employed by the unlucky millions out of Mumbai.) Well, sweat therefore is a strict no-no for me, but hey u know what? Even in the boiling heat here with surpassed only by the heated interiors of the car, I was enjoying the new found joy! Yes, it made me think is this what you call "getting immersed" in work? when u loose track of time, hardship, sweat and all other inconveniences we just can't live with? To put it in a broader context, I enjoyed what I was doing and forgot about the inconvenience it cost me. If it were some work I just enjoyed doing I am sure I wouldn't have cared for the inconveneiences it would cost me. Its just that I like it no-matter-what. To put it astutely, I guess I am talking about "passion", though I never really thought of the word to be anything but another "heavy" word, I am sure it carries a lot of meaning a little-bit of which I have started to realise.
Last but not the least, I guess there's fun in doing something off-the-track. I don't know but there's some inexplicable satisfaction I got after having driven "a day's worth of training in any driving school" without actually joining any driving school. What fun would it be if I learnt it just the normal way, sitting with atleast three other wannabes, wanting to be just the "perfect driver". Thats normal and thats boring. Deep within I feel I dearly need this quality. The quality to be different from the herd. The ability to package myself differently, to do things that are just "not routine". I guess thats what we call "uniqueness" which we all yearn for all our lives! No doubt we all are unique its just a matter of finding that uniqueness within us.
Hey Great to read about your first experience of driving the car! Am glad you enjoyed it.
But, you dint mention the way u finally screamed out loud in the middle of the ride, "Shradha, switch on the damn A/C !!! "
:-) haha!
But Yes, you did a terrific job considering it was your first try!
But lemme confess... had I known it were your Very first try in ur life, ahem! I would'nt have taken the risk I took!
Try writing more often dude... Reading this with Aai by my side... Showing her your blog.
i was expecting smthing starting right from first spark in the engine.. hehe... it was more of the experience than the driving experience..
nevertheless a nice try.. keep bloggin often mate.. :-)
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